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  O Level Physics Tuition

 Students perform well when they are studying physics in their science classes in primary school. They enjoy understanding the natural phenomenon around them and appreciate the mysterious nature.

But as soon as they start with their o-levels, understanding physics suddenly becomes difficult for the same students. It is because o-levels physics is a bit advanced and discuss the same phenomenon of nature but usually with their application in machines.

Traditional schools usually fail to provide students with what they need to perform in O-levels Physics but that’s where IP physics tuition comes in. Ever since the educational environment has become more competitive, the competent authorities have raised to bars to only allow the best students through the education system. The number of students who fail every year in O-levels physics would have been much higher had IP physics tuition not been around.

 The Problem:

The problem arises when students are not familiar with the basic working of simple devices. Most of the teachers get burdened by the approaching exams and fail to make students familiar with the machines that we have invented with the help of physics.

 The Solution:

The solution to this problem is very simple. All you need to do is get students familiar with machines and devices and they will start performing as just as well as they did in basic sciences when they were familiar with the natural phenomena.

Traditional schools fail to do this because they already have a high intake of students, contrary to IP physics tuition, that is result driven and focuses on quality rather than quantity.

This is what we do in our O level physics tuition and when our students come back after taking their final exam, they often report how easy the exam was and how they used our methods to tackle even the toughest questions.

 Our Approach:

Our approach to basic science tuitions in general and O level physics tuition in specific is to make the subjects and topics as visual and practical as possible. To achieve this, we teach our students through practical tools, explaining to them how things actually work. To explain natural phenomena, we use visual art or animation.

In this way, our students do not only cover their course but also develop a core understanding of physics that helps them in later stages of life at both academic and practical levels.

As far as their exams are concerned, researches show that visual information is easy to recall and practical information is easy to retain which makes our students efficient in exams and help them to answer the questions better.

In addition to that, our teaching methods develop strong problem-solving skills in our students which acts as a back-up for them to tackle the questions they are not prepared for, which is never the case if they prepare for their exam with Tutelage.

 Our Method:

Our method of teaching O-levels physics is aimed at preparing students better for their relevant exams as well as their exams to come. To achieve this purpose, we use regular quizzes and assignments to monitor the performance of our students and evaluate them as per the examination rules.

We also provide detailed guidance after each assessment to further polish the capabilities of our students to perform in the exam. This guidance is in the form of thorough feedback tailored down to every single student on an individual level.

Moreover, the questions and tasks that we use in our quizzes and assignments are interesting so students actually look forward to them and voluntarily prepare well for them. The quizzes and assignments are designed close to the curriculum and on the exam pattern which further develops their skills to attempt the paper and remember the information.

Furthermore, we use positive reinforcement in the form of awarding points to each student based on their performance.

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